Tuesdays, 7 - 10 PM Location: East Vancouver January 17 - April 3 2012 (12 consecutive weeks) April 17 - July 3 2012 (12 consecutive weeks) September 18 - December 3 2012 (12 consecutive weeks)
I teach Linda Darlow's 12 Choices Audition Class. Based on the book "AUDITION" by Michael Shurtleff, Linda has adapted the teachings in this stellar guide to auditioning for film/tv. In the 12 weekly sessions we will go over the 12 guideposts described in the book as it applies to film/tv, plus a technique to learn material quickly, and type casting. I supply all the scene materials, as well as offer lots of useful information for how to function successfully in the business. To register for the class, or for more information, send me an e-mail to classes@henryjmah.com. Be sure to include a contact phone number.